Information on influenza, COVID-19, and other respiratory viruses
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Main specialities
- Anaesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
- Plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery
- Visceral and thoracic surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Intensive medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Neurologie
- Medical and surgical oncology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology
- Radio-oncology
- Urology
Centres and services
- Multidisciplinary outpatient centre
- Interventional cardiology centre
- La Source centre for robotic surgery
- Diabetology unit
- Dietetics service
- Digestive centre
- Breast Imaging Centre
- 24-hour medical Laboratories
- Medical and surgical centre for obesity
- Physiotherapy Institute
- Prostate Centre
- Radiology Institute
- Radio-oncology centre
- Lausanne Breast Network
- Home Care
- Intensive care unit – certified SSMI
- Emergency centre 7/7 – Centre médical de La Source
- Clinique de La Source_
& Family_
- Specialities
Main specialities
- Main specialities
- Anaesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
- Plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery
- Visceral and thoracic surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Intensive medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Neurologie
- Medical and surgical oncology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology
- Radio-oncology
- Urology
Centres and services
- Centres and services
- Multidisciplinary outpatient centre
- Interventional cardiology centre
- La Source centre for robotic surgery
- Diabetology unit
- Dietetics service
- Digestive centre
- Breast Imaging Centre
- 24-hour medical Laboratories
- Medical and surgical centre for obesity
- Physiotherapy Institute
- Prostate Centre
- Radiology Institute
- Radio-oncology centre
- Lausanne Breast Network
- Home Care
- Intensive care unit – certified SSMI
- Emergency centre 7/7 – Centre médical de La Source
- Maternity_
- Doctors' section_
If you are looking for a specialist, you can find him/her on the Doctors list.

Radiation oncology plays a central role in the curative and symptomatic treatment of cancer, in parallel with medical and surgical oncology. Depending on your condition, radiotherapy treatment may be required.
Radiotherapy consists of delivering high-energy X-ray beams to the affected area in order to destroy cancer cells by blocking their ability to multiply.
During external radiotherapy, the rays are emitted by a remote device called the "linear accelerator".
The Radiation Oncology Centre at the Clinique de La Source uses state-of-the-art equipment for the emission of X-ray beams:
• Truebeam
• Truebeam - EDGE
• T 105 - WOMED
We offer the following treatment techniques:
Arc Therapy (VMAT)
This is a variant of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) which enables continuous delivery of the radiation dose during the rotation of the linear accelerator, adapting as closely as possible to the shape of the target volume. This considerably reduces the radiation time during each session, as well as the side-effects.
Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT)
A radiological device is integrated within the linear accelerator, making it possible to control the exact position of the area to be treated from one session to the next, or in some cases even during the radiotherapy session.
Stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery
These are high-precision techniques based on the use of converging microbeams enabling radiation at high doses of very small volumes in a very few sessions. Scheduling this type of treatment generally requires more time than the more conventional alternatives.
Respiratory Radiation Therapy
This enables breathing movements to be considered during radiation of the thorax or upper abdomen. Several techniques are used for this purpose:
• Blocked inspiration, called DIBH (Deep Inspiration Breath Hold). Treatment takes place when the patient blocks his/her breathing for several seconds during the inhalation phase. This is particularly useful when radiating the left breast.
• "Gating". The tumour is only radiated when it appears in front of the radiation beam, while the patient breathes normally.
• Tracking. The radiation beam follows the movement of the tumour through a system of markers.
Thermotherapy (hyperthermia)
Used in addition to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, thermotherapy, which is a potent radio- and chemo-sensitizer, consists in heating the tissues in the tumor area (from 41 to 44 ° C).
It is foremost indicated for re-irradiation, especially in breast cancer recurrences, but also for certain superficial tumors, inoperable ENT tumors and for recurrent or metastatic malignant melanomas. This ideal combination may increase up to 5 times the effectiveness of radiation treatment without increasing its side effects.
Supportive Care: Photobiomodulation
Photobiomodulation is a treatment in which light, emitted by a laser, is used to stimulate the metabolism of the body's cells to achieve analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and healing effects. It can be particularly indicated as supportive care during the treatment of certain tumors with radiotherapy or chemotherapy to help reduce side effects.
Doctors list_
Specialist in :
Radio-oncologie / radiothérapieCentre de Radio-oncologie
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne
Spoken languages : Allemand, Anglais, Italien, Français
Specialist in :
Radio-oncologie / radiothérapieCentre de Radio-oncologie
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne
Spoken languages : Anglais, Espagnol, Français
Specialist in :
Radio-oncologie / radiothérapieCentre de Radio-oncologie
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne
Spoken languages : Anglais, Arabe, Français