Maternity _

The adventure
of a lifetime

Congratulations, you’re having a baby! You are at the start of a wonderful and life-changing adventure!

Babies born in La Source_

Did you know that more than 22,000 babies have been born in our Maternity Ward since it was founded in 1927? Welcome to newcomers!


Source de Vie maternity ward

The Source de Vie maternity ward is a haven of calm in the heart of our Clinic, offering a unique setting for welcoming a newborn child. The maternity ward's medical and nursing team does its utmost to support parents in the incredible adventure of giving birth to a new child.



"Dad-friendly" maternity unit

The Clinique de La Source is delighted to announce that its Source de Vie maternity unit has been awarded the "Dad-Friendly Maternity Unit" label. This accreditation reflects the clinic's long-standing commitment to giving a special place to fathers-to-be (or anyone accompanying the mother) by allowing them to take part in all the important moments on the journey to parenthood, from the first ultrasounds to the birth and post-natal care.

For example, for over 5 years, La Source Maternity has offered fathers the chance to sleep in their partner’s room (for private rooms only), to create a family cocoon from the very first moments of the baby's life. Fathers can also enjoy "skin-to-skin" contact as soon as possible after the birth. These are just a few examples, but they reflect our commitment to offering a tailored support to couples and families during this unique period. 

To find out more, read the press release (in French)



CLS_logo amie des papas


Personalised visit

Come and visit our “Source de Vie” maternity ward.

Our midwives will be delighted to welcome you personally and answer all your questions.

Book your personalised visit now! This will be an opportunity to see our two delivery rooms (if available), our "well being and care" room and our rooms and to meet our team.

& aromatherapy_

Our maternity ward offers complimentary osteopathy, acupuncture and aromatherapy sessions to our patients as part of our commitment to being there for them throughout their pregnancies.

Any questions?_

Contact us

021 641 31 20

Do you have any questions or would you like to know more about our “Source de Vie” maternity ward?

Please send us your contact information and one of ours midwives will call you as soon as possible.

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A birth
step by step_

Come and visit our “Source de Vie” maternity ward. Our midwives will be delighted to welcome you personally and answer all your questions.

Vidy Paediatric Emergency Services, open 7 days a week_

The walk-in Paediatric Emergency Centre of Vidy receives every day from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm all children aged from 0 to 16 for general paediatric care, surgery and traumatology.

Worth knowing_

Insurance, invoicing, your computerised patient record, you will find the answers to all your frequent questions here.

You can access on line to our brochure "The adventure of a lifetime" by clicking here

Quel hasard et quelle émotion, il y a treize ans, quand j’ai commencé au laboratoire de la Clinique après y être né 27 ans plus tôt et quelle surprise quand ma maman a retrouvé le relevé de ma courbe de poids effectué par les sages-femmes lors de mon tout premier séjour…

David, collaborateur à La Source

L'ambiance qui régnait à La Source entre les différents membres du personnel était excellente. Ils formaient une grande famille qui m'a réellement manquée le jour où j'ai pu quitter la Clinique avec ma petite fille (grande prématurée) et après une éclampsie, qui s'est fort heureusement bien terminée !

Anke, patiente à la maternité « Source de Vie »