Information on influenza, COVID-19, and other respiratory viruses
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Main specialities
- Anaesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
- Plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery
- Visceral and thoracic surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Intensive medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Neurologie
- Medical and surgical oncology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology
- Radio-oncology
- Urology
Centres and services
- Multidisciplinary outpatient centre
- Interventional cardiology centre
- La Source centre for robotic surgery
- Diabetology unit
- Dietetics service
- Digestive centre
- Breast Imaging Centre
- 24-hour medical Laboratories
- Medical and surgical centre for obesity
- Physiotherapy Institute
- Prostate Centre
- Radiology Institute
- Radio-oncology centre
- Lausanne Breast Network
- Home Care
- Intensive care unit – certified SSMI
- Emergency centre 7/7 – Centre médical de La Source
- Clinique de La Source_
& Family_
- Specialities
Main specialities
- Main specialities
- Anaesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
- Plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery
- Visceral and thoracic surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Intensive medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Neurologie
- Medical and surgical oncology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology
- Radio-oncology
- Urology
Centres and services
- Centres and services
- Multidisciplinary outpatient centre
- Interventional cardiology centre
- La Source centre for robotic surgery
- Diabetology unit
- Dietetics service
- Digestive centre
- Breast Imaging Centre
- 24-hour medical Laboratories
- Medical and surgical centre for obesity
- Physiotherapy Institute
- Prostate Centre
- Radiology Institute
- Radio-oncology centre
- Lausanne Breast Network
- Home Care
- Intensive care unit – certified SSMI
- Emergency centre 7/7 – Centre médical de La Source
- Maternity_
- Doctors' section_
If you are looking for a specialist, you can find him/her on the Doctors list.

Radio-oncology centre _
Radio-oncology occupies an important place in the remedial and symptomatic treatment of cancer, in parallel to medical and surgical oncology.
Radiation oncology holds a key position in both curative and symptomatic cancer treatment, alongside medical and surgical oncology. Depending on your pathology, radiotherapy treatment may be advised.
Radiotherapy treatments – generally prescribed after consultation with one of our radiation oncologists, or after discussion with other specialists. La Source Radiation Oncology Institute is proud of its team of experienced specialists. The medical team is completed by administrative personnel and medical assistants.
Two state-of-the-art devices in radiation oncology treatment
La Source Radiation Oncology Centre has acquired cutting-edge equipments, the most recent linear accelerators.
The "EDGE" is dedicated to every type of radiation, whatever is the location of the pathology, including the highly specialized treatments in radiosurgery and/or stereotactic radiosurgery (intracranial and extracranial). Furthermore, it is capable of synchronizing the tumor's movements with the breathing motion of the patient, thus enabling the specialists to track the tumor in real time.
The "True Beam" offers a complete range of advanced radiation oncological treatments such as arc therapy, stereotactic radiotherapy, radiation surgery and respiratory gating.
Our benefits:
- A network of specialists working closely together
- Weekly multidisciplinary meetings
- In-patient and out-patient care on the same site
- Tailored and customised treatments and consultations
- Rapid medical care
- Cutting-edge treatment techniques
Administrative Director
Rose-Marie Maréchal
Medical Director
Dr Abderrahim Zouhair
Specialist in Radiation oncology and Privat docent
How your radiotherapy treatment will proceed
Your radiotherapy treatment will begin with an initial consultation and an assessment by a radiation oncologist. The radiation oncologist will discuss your medical history and the extent of the disease as well as radiotherapy indications. The aims and potential side effects of the treatment will be fully explained to you.
Preparing for treatment
A planning scan will be carried out to enable the radiation oncologist to define the target area which will be receiving radiation. The dosimetrists will then use the medical prescription to draw up your individual treatment plan. It will then be assessed and approved by the physician and presented to the different people involved in your treatment in an internal meeting. The medical physicist will check all of the technical elements and will perform a test for your treatment on the TrueBeam prior to the start of treatment.
The position in which you will be placed to receive the radiotherapy treatment will be decided based on the region of your body being treated and your comfort. The precision of the positioning and the ability to replicate it is crucial to ensure that the radiation is accurately delivered to the target area.
During the dedicated planning scan, radiotherapy technicians will position you on the scanning table in the same way in which you will be positioned during your subsequent treatment. They will use various support apparatus such as head or leg supports. Non-permanent marks will be made on your skin to ensure precise positioning during the treatment.
Receiving treatment
Your radiation will be delivered by a linear accelerator which produces high-energy X-rays. The radiotherapy beam is emitted from the head of the device, which moves around the treatment table. Your position will be checked using images during each session. The medical physician will regularly check the linear accelerator to ensure it is operating effectively.
Technicians will be with you throughout the planning process and they will be the ones delivering the treatment prescribed by your physician. The treatments will take place in an armoured room to protect staff and comply with Swiss radiation protection standards. At any time during the radiation treatment you can speak to the technicians using a video camera and microphone, enabling them to see and hear you in the treatment room.
Thermotherapy (hyperthermia)
Used in addition to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, thermotherapy, which is a potent radio- and chemo-sensitizer, consists in heating the tissues in the tumor area (from 41 to 44 ° C).
It is foremost indicated for re-irradiation, especially in breast cancer recurrences, but also for certain superficial tumors, inoperable ENT tumors and for recurrent or metastatic malignant melanomas. This ideal combination may increase up to 5 times the effectiveness of radiation treatment without increasing its side effects.
Working at the heart of a multidisciplinary team, the radiation oncology technicians work in close collaboration with the radiation oncologists and the medical physicists at the centre.
Their work begins by carrying out a special scan to locate the area to be treated. At this time, marks are made on the skin to help define the means of immobilisation and support, as well as the patient’s positioning.
Once the treatment plan has been approved by the doctor, the technicians prepare all of the digital and technical files relating to the therapy.
At every treatment session, the technician will place the patient in the linear accelerator. Confirmation images are taken to check that the area to be treated has been correctly targeted. Only once these various important stages have been carried out can radiation begin.
Every day the technicians manage the patients, giving them a human, individual welcome, as well as providing high quality care.
Dosimetrists are technicians who specialise in the planning of treatment. Their role is to prepare your tailor-made treatment. They use simulations which are carried out based on the images obtained from the special scan and on other diagnostic images (MRI, PET-CT). This allows for optimum radiation of the tumour according to the doctor’s prescription, while protecting the healthy organs as much as possible.
Linking the medical and technical aspects of your treatment, they work in close collaboration with the doctors and medical physicists to offer the best treatment possible. With the help of the medical physicist, the dosimetrist ensures that the doctors receive the necessary information to treat the patient.
Medical Physicists
Medical physicists have overall responsibility for the technical aspects of your treatment carried out at the radiation oncology centre. Together with your doctor and with the support of the dosimetrist they will examine your treatment prescription to offer the most appropriate radiation technique for your case. They will then check with the other members of the care team that the way in which your treatment is given exactly matches the doctor’s prescription.
The medical physicists periodically check the treatment equipment and the corresponding software to guarantee that your treatment takes place correctly. They also check your treatment plan on the machine before it starts, in order to ensure both quality and precision.
Radiation Oncologists
Radiation oncologists are responsible for the medical aspect of your radiotherapy treatment. Your doctor will discuss your medical history with you, the stage of your cancer and the radiotherapeutic indications. The treatment, its aims and the various possible short and long-term side-effects will be clearly explained to you.
The radiation oncologists will establish the target area, i.e. the zone to be irradiated, based on the images produced. They will supervise the planning, dose calculation and radiotherapy treatment together with the various teams at the centre.
He or she will also ensure that you are monitored throughout and after the treatment.
Doctors list_
Specialist in :
Radio-oncologie / radiothérapieCentre de Radio-oncologie
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne
Spoken languages : Allemand, Anglais, Italien, Français
Specialist in :
Radio-oncologie / radiothérapieCentre de Radio-oncologie
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne
Spoken languages : Anglais, Espagnol, Français
Specialist in :
Radio-oncologie / radiothérapieCentre de Radio-oncologie
Avenue Vinet 30
1004 Lausanne
Spoken languages : Anglais, Arabe, Français