Breast Network _

To enhance their expertise in this field, the clinics of Hirslanden Lausanne, La Source and the “Réseau lausannois du sein” (Lausanne Breast Network Association) have decided to join forces to create the Réseau du Sein Lausanne, a first-of-its-kind alliance in the private health sector in Switzerland. 


The aim is to adopt an integrative care approach, making treatment more effective, while ensuring the highest standards in breast care. The Réseau du Sein Lausanne offers a wide range of conventional and complementary therapies which, together, contribute to the patient's well-being. 


To learn more about the Centre, you can visit


Click here for the full press release.

Contact & opening hours

Réseau du sein Lausanne

Tel : +41 (0)21 310 52 19

  • Monday to Friday From 9:00 am to 11:30 am and
    From 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm