The anaesthesia _

Pain relief

What happens with an epidural? Can you have one at any time? Who should you consult about it before your delivery?

Upon request, an anaesthetist will intervene as soon as possible to administer your epidural, round the clock seven days a week.

One of our anaesthetists will also intervene during our antenatal classes and respond to any questions that you and your spouse may have.

If you wish to have a personalised answer, please contact one of our anaesthetists directly by e-mail at Should you wish for one of our anaesthetists to call you back, we kindly ask that you indicate your phone number.


Chief Nursing Officer 

Chantal Montandon

Head Midwife 

Emily Wieland


Clinique de La Source - Maternity ward "Source de vie"

Avenue Vinet 30 1004 Lausanne

Information and appointments

Tel : +41 (0)21 641 31 20


  • Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

