Pregnancy check-ups _

With you

Upon request from your doctor, one of our midwives will welcome you for a pregnancy check-up.

Upon request from your gynaecologist and if you wish it, we can arrange to have the outpatient check-ups prior to and after your delivery to be done in our maternity ward. 

Should you need to be hospitalised during your pregnancy, together with your gynaecologist, our team will take care of you. 

Our midwives are at your entire disposal for any questions you may have at any time during your pregnancy and after the birth of your baby. 


Chief Nursing Officer 

Chantal Montandon

Head Midwife 

Emily Wieland


Clinique de La Source - Maternity ward "Source de vie"

Avenue Vinet 30 1004 Lausanne

Information and appointments

Tel : +41 (0)21 641 31 20


  • Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

