Information on influenza, COVID-19, and other respiratory viruses
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Main specialities
- Anaesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
- Plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery
- Visceral and thoracic surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Intensive medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Neurologie
- Medical and surgical oncology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology
- Radio-oncology
- Urology
Centres and services
- Multidisciplinary outpatient centre
- Interventional cardiology centre
- La Source centre for robotic surgery
- Diabetology unit
- Dietetics service
- Digestive centre
- Breast Imaging Centre
- 24-hour medical Laboratories
- Medical and surgical centre for obesity
- Physiotherapy Institute
- Prostate Centre
- Radiology Institute
- Radio-oncology centre
- Lausanne Breast Network
- Home Care
- Intensive care unit – certified SSMI
- Emergency centre 7/7 – Centre médical de La Source
- Clinique de La Source_
& Family_
- Specialities
Main specialities
- Main specialities
- Anaesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Orthopaedic surgery and traumatology
- Plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgery
- Visceral and thoracic surgery
- Gastroenterology
- Gynaecology and obstetrics
- Intensive medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Neurologie
- Medical and surgical oncology
- Diagnostic and interventional radiology
- Radio-oncology
- Urology
Centres and services
- Centres and services
- Multidisciplinary outpatient centre
- Interventional cardiology centre
- La Source centre for robotic surgery
- Diabetology unit
- Dietetics service
- Digestive centre
- Breast Imaging Centre
- 24-hour medical Laboratories
- Medical and surgical centre for obesity
- Physiotherapy Institute
- Prostate Centre
- Radiology Institute
- Radio-oncology centre
- Lausanne Breast Network
- Home Care
- Intensive care unit – certified SSMI
- Emergency centre 7/7 – Centre médical de La Source
- Maternity_
- Doctors' section_
If you are looking for a specialist, you can find him/her on the Doctors list.

Our story _
Created in 1891 by Dr Charles Krafft in an apartment, today the Clinique de La Source is the largest private institution offering multidisciplinary acute care in the Canton of Vaud. Discover our amazing story here!
With the agreement of the Foundation Board, Charles Krafft transforms his apartment into a little clinic which opens on 1st October the same year.
The Clinique de Beaulieu becomes a general medicine clinic treating surgical, general medical and delivery cases.
Henry Krafft, the eldest son of the director, installs an X-ray facility at his own expense, thus creating the first radiology service in the region.
The Clinic de Beaulieu becomes the Clinique de La Source.
Both the Clinique and the School become the property of a Foundation which henceforth carries the name of La Source.
A little operating wing connected to the infirmary is built and the Clinic is restructured with the creation of a maternity section and a nursery for 12 babies.
La Source becomes a centre for cardiac surgery, directed by Professor Charles Hahn, considered to be the pioneer of coronary surgery in Europe. Open and closed heart operations follow one after the other.
Michel R. Walther takes over the management of the Clinic while Christiane Augsburger, a graduate of Bon Secours, takes the helm of the School.
Installation of a magnetic resonance imaging apparatus (MRI).
Opening of an Intensive care unit with a FMH anaesthetist round the clock
Opening of the Radiotherapy Centre at La Source.
Opening of the Vidy Source Medical and Surgical Emergency Centre.
Renovation and inauguration of the Maternity ward, which is named Source de Vie.
Creation of a "Table d'hôtes" named Source des Saveurs.
The Clinique de La Source earns Recognition for the Excellence of its Management and Services from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EQFM).
Renovation of the Clinic’s exterior on the Vinet side.
Inauguration of the La Source-CHUV Robotic Surgery Centre with a state-of-the-art da Vinci robot.
La Source is the first private clinic in the canton of Vaud to acquire the Electronic Patient File, thus increasing the quality and security of care, whilst keeping in line with strict rules of confidentiality.
On 1 June, Dimitri Djordjèvic takes over management of the Clinic from Michel R. Walther.
The Clinique de La Source receives the ESPRIX Swiss Award for Excellence, in the category « Creating added value for clients ».
The Clinique de La Source acquires a revolutionary radiology system called EOS, with an extremely low radiation dose, enabling images of the whole body in a standing position.
The Clinique de La Source opens a new Center exclusively dedicated to breast imaging.
The Clinique obtained the certification of its intensive care unit, delivery by the Société Suisse de Médecine Intensive (SSMI).
Enlargement of the Outpatient Center.
The existing collaboration between the intensive care services of the Clinic and the CHUV was reinforced in July 2017 by the signing of a partnership agreement between the two institutions.
A European first in Lausanne: neurosurgeons at La Source are able to use the Mazor XTM, a collaborative robot designed to assist in defining an ideal trajectory for the placement of neurosurgical implants in the spinal column.
The Clinique de La Source inaugurates its Medical and Surgical Centre for Obesity.
Smart OR®, a new video management system is installed in the operating room. It allows for simultaneous broadcasting of various videos (endoscopy, microscopy, radiological images) during surgery.
The two delivery rooms of our maternity ward are completely re-designed to improve the well-being and safety of patients and their babies. The installation of a new delivery tub allows the option of water births.
Creation of La Source à domicile : by becoming the main shareholder of a home care organisation, La Source can from now on provide a comprehensive range of healthcare: from the emergency room to the patient's home.
Hypnosis becomes an integral part of the clinic's care services. It helps relieve pain, improve sedations as well as reduce anxiety and stress in our patients.
Opening of the Centre de la prostate La Source, which provides each patient with a personalised care pathway in a single Centre for prostate diseases. The coordination and follow-up provided by our oncology personal nurses, combined with weekly meetings between the best medical specialists in their field, ensure each patient the most appropriate therapeutic solution.
The Clinique de La Source opens the Centre digestif La Source, a new Centre dedicated to digestive diseases that enables patients to benefit from a simplified and personalised care pathway. Its main asset lies in the fact that it gathers experienced doctors and specialists in a single Centre, enabling direct and facilitated exchanges while guaranteeing patients a rapid and multidisciplinary care.
To build on their expertise in breast cancer care, the clinics de La Source, Hirslanden Lausanne and the association « Réseau lausannois du sein » decide to combine their skills and create the Réseau du sein Lausanne, a first-of-its-kind alliance in the Swiss private sector. The aim is to adopt an integrative approach to care, making treatments more effective while ensuring the highest standards of senology. Therefore, it offers a wide range of conventional therapies and complementary medicines, which together, contribute to the patient's well-being.