Information on respiratory viruses _

We care about your safety

Our goal is to inform our patients about measures related to the prevention of respiratory viruses such as influenza or CoVID-19.

Our doctors and staff are doing everything they can to ensure optimal care in the best conditions.

Information on respiratory viruses_

It is no longer mandatory to wear a mask in the clinic.

In case of symptoms, even minor ones, we ask

  • visitors to cancel their visit (if their visit cannot be postponed, a mask must be worn at all times),
  • patients to wear a surgical mask,

Moreover, other basic hygiene measures must be applied without interruption:

  • Good hand hygiene
  • Respect of respiratory etiquette which includes : Covering the mouth and nose with a tissue if coughing/sneezing, then placing the used tissue in the nearest waste bin and carefully disinfecting the hands.
  • Good ventilation of the premises

Everyone is free to wear a mask beyond the above recommendations.